Entries by BS GIFT

Top 3 Reasons to Buy Magnetic Sculpture Balls for Your Kids

A Magnetic Sculpture integrates the science of magnetics into a fun and creative toy. The magnetic base transforms the non-magnetic metal pieces into a sculpture of moldable magnets. The most popular pieces are metallic balls of different shapes. Your kid can either create different shapes with them, stack the balls on top of the base […]

Where Can I Buy Newton’s Cradle in China?

If you want to buy quality Newton’s Cradle in China, then there are tons of options in the market. Just in case if you do not know about newton’s cradle, then we are here to help. Here is a little information about the cradle. Have a look: What is Newton’s Cradle? A Newton’s Cradle is […]

How Does Newton’s Cradle Work ?

You might have heard of it by the name of Newton’s Cradle, Executive Ball Clicker or Newton’s Balls. The chances are that you have seen it at someone’s office or in your classroom as you have no idea how the device works. The device consists of five metal balls which are positioned in a frame […]

Why Should You Buy Newton’s Cradle ?

Most of the people think that the Newton’s Cradle is just a piece of science and has no use in our social life. Well, it is absolutely wrong. There is more to it. It is useful in many ways and situations. Below are some of the reasons why you actually need a Newton’s Cradle. Check […]

Top 5 Reasons to Buy Magnetic Sculptures

Art in any form is intriguing and refreshing for the mind and soul. Whether it is a classic portrait by Pablo Picasso or a small decorative object perched on your desk. Now-a-days art and science hand in hand, bring out new and innovative ideas to make beautiful yet intelligent art pieces. They not only satisfy […]

Magnetic Sculptures: a Fun Way to Pass Time

Magnets have always been a thing of intrigue for humans from the Stone Age up till now. It amazes the mind how a tiny metal attracts or repels another metal object. A magnet is a metal magnetized having its persistent magnetic field. The metals attracted to magnets are called ferromagnetic and include iron, nickel, cobalt […]